Chemjoy Team Members Undergo Training Workshop on Legislation and Regulations on Hazardous Waste Management


On 28th June 2023, engineers and lab technicians from Chemjoys Beijing R&D center attended a training workshop on legislation and regulations related to the handling, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous waste. The workshop was conducted by trainers from Beijings BBMG environmental protection subsidiary firm.

Chemjoy team members were given a rundown on the different legislation and regulations governing businesses and enterprises that generate, handle, store and transport hazardous waste. Important clauses and changes in the legislation pertinent to the day-to-day operations of Chemjoys R&D center were highlighted and discussed. The trainers also gave valuable insights on emergency protocols and hazardous waste handling procedures in response to concerns raised by engineers that resulted from actual situations they had experienced before in the lab.  

Chemjoys general manager Dr. Wang asked questions about waste material bookkeeping, warehousing and labeling of dangerous waste. After that, he shared his experiences in environmental protection and waste management at Chemjoys factory located in north eastern China. The trainers commented and offered suggestions, which prompted a meaningful discussion among all present at the workshop.

Towards the end of the workshop, the rest of Chemjoys team members also asked questions and had a discussion based on their daily experiences in the synthesis lab. The trainers weighed in on the discussion and provided real-life examples of hazardous waste clean-up, which enabled the Chemjoy team to better understand waste management regulations and procedures.

Even though Chemjoys R&D center generates very little waste, Chemjoy views the handling and disposal of such waste as an extremely crucial matter in relation to the companys vision and mission. Therefore Chemjoy conducts regular training programs to keep its team members’ knowledge on the latest regulations up to date. This is part of Chemjoys consistent effort to building a professional, capable and efficient team of R&D personnel working in a world-class laboratory.

Post time: Jun-28-2023